Where Does CBD Derive From?

CBD comes from the hemp plant, which falls under the Cannabis Plant Family. Hemp (Hemp Oil UK) contains most of the CBD that people are now using for medical benefits. Although Hemp and Cannabis come from the same plant, they are VERY different.

In places where Marijuana has been legal, and in some cases not legal, farmers have bred there plant to contain a high level of THC. However, THC is the psychoactive element of the plant that gives users the “high”.

CBD on the complete other ends contains no THC, so does not give this effect. Because of the fact, CBD contains no THC, it is now widely legal across the world across the USA and Europe (CBD Oil for Sale UK).

CBD is most commonly vaped or ingested. The preference is for a smoked/vaped intake as it triples the bioavailability (the amount your body can absorb) compared to ingestion. It is also great for seeing faster effects!

Want to try a CBD Vape product you can trust?  Then try Angel CBD’s disposable CBD pen! Simple to use, requiring no maintenance and is ready to go from receipt! www.angelcbd.co.uk


  1. I also confused these concepts, but fortunately I was advised to BROWSE THIS SITE. Large manufacturers of CBD remedies often issue special newsletters that explain medical terms in an accessible way. Now I use the CBD as a good means of relaxing at bedtime (to relieve fatigue and stress).


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